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University Study is Expensive!

On average 2022 graduates from U.S. based undergrad programs finished school owing about $30,000.

That doesn't even include the amounts spent on housing, insurance, text books, etc.

financial stress for students

According to recent studies an average of 68.5% of university undergrads feel their student debt has negatively affected their mental health.

The cost of studying at a U.S. university can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of institution (public or private), the location (state and city), the student's residency status, and the specific program of study. It's important to note that costs are subject to change, and the figures provided below are general estimates.

  • Public Universities (In-state): On average, tuition for in-state residents at public universities can range from $10,000 to $20,000 per year.
  • Public Universities (Out-of-state): Out-of-state residents may face higher tuition costs, typically ranging from $20,000 to $40,000 or more per year.
  • Private Universities: Tuition at private universities can vary widely but often falls within the range of $30,000 to $50,000 or more per year.

After you factor in all the other out of pocket expenses, food, housing, text books, etc. that quickly blows out to massive amounts of money.

  • For public universities (in-state residents): $25,000 to $40,000 per year.
  • For public universities (out-of-state residents): $35,000 to $60,000 per year.
  • For private universities: $45,000 to $70,000 or more per year.
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What if there was a Better Way?

What if instead of paying between $40,000 and $200,000 for 4 years tuition, you only paid $20,000!

Sounds too good to be true right? I bet you are asking well what's the catch, I know I was!

In short, there is no catch! Save 50-90% on the tuition costs of studying at a university in the U.S. but still graduate with a degree from a Waldorf University!

The cost of maintaining a campus is massive and most of the tuition fees students pay in the U.S. goes on that cost.  By studying on another school's campus they can save money and pass those savings on to you.

Once again, lets not forget the out of pocket expenses because we can make that easier for you as well!

The average cost of living for a single adult in the U.S. is US$2,434 per month.  Of course this figure varies depnding on the state and city you are living in.  But if we compare this to Thailand (US$837/mth), the Philippines (US$613/mth), Indonesia (US$509/mth), and Cambodia (US$494/mth).  It is easy to see how much you will save over the four years you study.

Of course studying abroad has other expense like visa, travel, etc.  But these will still be a fraction of what you save on your over all living expenses.  Not to mention you get to see the world and learn about other cultures!

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